i live in cypress, texas with my husband of eleven years and our three sons. i am a musician, teacher, writer, baker, and daughter of christ.

Set Yourself Free

Set Yourself Free


Ever have one of those days that just seem HARD?

Whether it’s because your kid didn’t sleep through the night and you’re sleep-deprived…

Or your baby is sick and absolutely despises the antibiotics you’re supposed to give him twice a day…

Or the constant sibling bickering is getting the best of you…

Or your house is a mess, there’s dirty laundry up to your eyeballs, and you have zero motivation to begin…

Or maybe you’ve begun and just realized you accidentally washed a cough drop inside the pocket of a shirt…

Or, on a more serious note, maybe your father-in-law gets taken to the ER via ambulance and then, shortly after, your mom shows up at the same ER with a completely unrelated issue…

Yeah, maybe you’ve had a day like that. Like mine. Like today.

It’s 5:06 pm, only a few hours away from “quitting” time and my husband could sense that my patience had officially worn thin. So he took all 3 boys on a walk, leaving me in perfect silence to write, read, and eat a Dove dark chocolate bar. Basically he’s my knight in shining armor.

And then I open my devotional and this is what I read. THIS:

“Dear God,

OK, I resign. I’ve been trying to run the universe… at least my part of it… and I can’t do it. I quit. I think You’d better take the job back. You might not do things the way I would or even the way I want You to, but You do a pretty good job. I’m looking forward to being able to sleep at night, knowing that You are in charge and that You’re taking care of things. Oh, I’m sure there will be days when I try to grab back control, but I will eventually catch myself and resign again. Your track record is… well, perfect. You don’t always work on my time frame, but Your schedule ends up being perfect, so, again - I resign. Take over. Thanks.


{insert a HUGE sigh of relief}

But then I wondered…

What about people who don’t know about the strong and never-ending love of our God? Do they ever get to take a break? A sigh of relief knowing they don’t have to be in charge all of the time? I wonder - if they knew - how LIGHT they would feel. Not always, not every day, but definitely when they relinquish control to the REAL person in charge.

Hmm. I wonder…

The Waiting Game

The Waiting Game

